Spooner will perform a stress test on the health and well-being of your workers’ compensation program. We will help you identify deficiencies that result in unnecessary losses. We will also empower your staff to hold vendors accountable for the services they provide.
Our certified safety professionals will perform a top to bottom review of your safety programs and identify any areas that need improvement. We’ll recommend a comprehensive plan that will lower your workers’ compensation costs and keep your staff safe while keeping you in compliance with regulatory mandates. For a complete listing of our safety services, please visit our Safety Services page.
File Reviews provide assurance that your claims are properly handled by your claim administrators. We’ll help identify potential issues in: initial claim investigation, reserving, determining the medical necessity of treatment, contesting inappropriate allowances, lost subrogation opportunities, and ineffective defense.
Spooner’s review will determine if claim reserves accurately portray expected future losses. The review will help identify situations of over or under-reserving and recommend strategies to lower future exposure. Our report will assist you with accurate forecasting and accruals.
Spooner will provide you the tools to lower your EMR and give you an edge over your competition when bidding on work. Our goal is to make sure that your company doesn’t lose business and money because of a high EMR.
Every year employers across the country pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more in premium. Spooner will review your NCCI and workers’ compensation classification codes to make sure you aren’t overpaying.
Spooner will research and provide an analysis to see if self-insurance could benefit your company. The analysis will include an actuarial risk/rewards analysis along with an in-depth review of what requirements and systems needed to make the program an ongoing success.
28605 Ranney Parkway
Westlake, Ohio 44145
Phone: 440-249-5260 ext. 153
Hours: 8AM to 5PM