Things aren't slowing down at OSHA. If you feel like they've been mentioned in the news a lot lately, that's because they're keeping very busy. Workplace safety enforcement has added significant manpower and has been much more active than in previous years. Inspections have increased in number, as well as in breadth and depth, which is why it’s a great time to give your company a safety tune-up. There have been plenty of other regulatory distractions for management teams in 2023, which may have led to a reduction in attention to detail with required safety compliance programs. Pair that with the current OSHA administrator's aggressive background as the chief of Cal-OSHA, and your company should have a renewed desire to review OSHA compliance matters. This should include all of your written programs, as well as sub-elements under those programs.
These are the types of questions that our Spooner Safety team can help you answer, and get you on the right track to improve your compliance and reduce your injuries and regulatory exposure. Our safety professionals are available to conduct these program reviews for you, including facility compliance via “Mock OSHA” inspections, and providing a full suite of training and consulting services to help you comply with OSHA General Industry and Construction Regulations.
Maybe you’re on top of your safety tune-ups, but are still anticipating (or just had) a visit from OSHA. That could be because you’ve had to make a serious injury report, or you suspect an employee may have filed a complaint. Spooner’s Safety experts have plenty of experience in managing inspection cases. We can guide you through every step in the process - from the on-site inspection and coordinating with OSHA, to orchestrating abatement efforts and negotiating a settlement at the informal conference. Let us take the lead – we’ll satisfy OSHA, maximize your chances of a penalty reduction, and improve your workplace safety along the way. Contact Jon Carpenter at 440.249.5284 | Ext: 110 for more information on our safety services.