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M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

28605 Ranney Pkwy Westlake, OH 44145


News and Updates

Month: June 2021

Surety HR: Not Your Average PEO

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: PEO, Professional Employer Organization, Workers Compensation, Ohio BWC, Pros And Cons Of PEOs, Payroll, HR, Safety, Outsourcing, FMLA, Unemployment, Benefits

When we talk to prospects about Surety HR, our self-insured PEO (professional employer organization), we get a lot of very different reactions - confusion, curiosity, blank stares and occasionally – a crossed-arm refusal to hear anything else about it. We knew when we began building our PEO that several employers have a bad taste in their mouth about PEOs, usually after having (or hearing about) a bad experience.  That’s one of the many reasons we sought out these opinions to help build our framework based on what employers feel does or does not work.  The biggest thing we want to make clear is that we are not our competition.  We don’t charge based on a percentage of payroll, baking everything together so that you’ll never really know how much you’re paying for any of our services. When employers are looking for some of the solutions a PEO can provide, they are not always looking to move all their employment-related needs under one umbrella.  This is why larger, mature, and sophisticated companies have avoided entering into a PEO relationship.  Surety HR is a sister company of Spooner Incorporated – an unrivaled TPA and consulting firm with less than 2% client turnover.  Because of this foundation, our focus is more on lowering workers’ comp premiums instead of bundling services that you may not need or want.  It also means if and when you decide it’s time to exit the PEO, the process will b

Where is BWC's Group Retro Program Headed?

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: OHio BWC, Workers Comp, Group Retro, ACES, Claim Reserves, Group Retro Assessments

  In our last few blogs and newsletters, we’ve been updating you on the changes we’re noticing in Ohio BWC’s Group Retro program.  Initially, there was the withholding of 2018 and 2019 refunds (six total payouts for participating employers). Then, we began noticing the overall degradation of retro refunds.  Most recently, we’ve noticed how BWC’s changes to their claim reserve calculations are having a tremendous impact on the performance of Group Retro pools.  For those of you who didn’t read our post about reserve calculations, here’s an abridged version: workers’ comp claims have a dollar amount reserved at the onset of a claim (yes, even if you do salary continuation) for additional funds that the insurer thinks it may end up costing.  BWC’s method of calculating reserves changed in January 2021 and Spooner’s tracking of these trends show reserves increasing as much as 1900% on some claims. Why does it matter? That pretend money is treated like real money when your experience is calculated for the next year, determining your premiums. That $5000 ankle sprain is now a $29,000 ankle sprain, and the insurer (BWC) will recoup their losses from you accordingly.  We’ve been tracking the impact these reserves have on Group Retro, and it shows a vast majority of the pools underperforming.  Some competitors even show the possibility of an assessment, meaning that policyholder

Another Successful Open Enrollment for Spooner Medical Administrators

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: MCO, Open Enrollment, Medical Costs, Workers Compensation, Managed Care Organizations, Ohio BWC

Our MCO, Spooner Medical Administrators, had another successful open enrollment this past May! We realize that marketing can be very cut-throat (and not always transparent) during the short biennial enrollment period, and other MCOs may have offered you the moon to stray from SMAI.  Despite what other MCOs and the BWC’s report card might say about SMAI - we continue to have controlled, steady growth and incredible retention.  The Spooner family of companies would like to thank the thousands of businesses that chose to retain SMAI as their MCO, and the hundreds of new companies that chose SMAI as their new partner.  We look forward to continuing to build our relationships with you and are thankful for our 12th consecutive successful

Learn More About Our MEP 401(k) Program

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: Finance, Retirement Plans, MEP, 401k, Small Employer, Mid Sized Employer, Benefits, Retention Tools, Financial Security

Want to learn more about The Spooner Risk Control Services, Inc. MEP 401(k)?  If your company has thought of offering a retirement plan, but the idea has been sidelined by the (typically) tremendous costs and complications of putting it in place, we'd like to invite you to learn more about our multi-employer plan (MEP). Spooner clients of any size can take advantage of our MEP Retirement Plan Solution for themselves and their employees.  Fiduciary support and guidance is provided for you as an employer, and for your employees. Take advantage of Spooner’s economy of scale and save on plan costs and administrative time, plus take advantage of potential tax credits for starting a retirement plan.  What is a Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan or MEP? A MEP is an IRS approved 401(k) that allows unaffiliated employers to adopt into a retirement plan sponsored by a third party that bears responsibility for administering the plan (Spooner, in this case). Our MEP is a great way to provide your employees with a retirement plan without the costly price tag for setup, maintenance costs, and fiduciary liabilities. What are the advantages of Spooner’s MEP? It's easy. By joining our MEP, most of your administration work is done by another party. It's inexpensive. The MEP provides large-plan pricing regardless of your company’s size. It provides for your employees. Independent, no-commissions advice to balance your employees’ needs

Safety Council Program Update

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: Ohio Bwc, Bwc Safety Council, Safety Council Program, PAR, Workers' Comp, Premium Savings,

Ohio BWC’s Safety Council Rebate Program will remain suspended for the 2021 policy year (7/1/21-6/30/22).  While many safety councils are still hosting web-based meetings each month, no rebates will be paid. This means attendance is not mandatory, but Spooner still urges its clients to participate in safety council events to stay educated and use the info to help reduce incidents.  •    All meetings will continue to be virtual •    There will be no semi-annual reports collected in 2021 •    BWC will host two virtual statewide safety council meetings  •    No rebates will be paid While the Safety Council Rebate is unavailable in the coming year, there are other cost-saving programs available through BWC that may be worth exploring.  Substance Use Recovery and Workplace Safety Program – A reimbursement program for substance use policy development, training and drug testing  (currently available in participating counties but soon to rollout statewide) Better You, Better Ohio! –  A health and wellness program where employees can earn incentives  Policy Activity Rebate (PAR)  - A customizable plan that allows employers to earn a rebate. Employers enrolled in Group Rating, Group Retro, Individual Retro and Deductible program are not eligible for

Why We Fight (For Your Group Retro Refunds)

Posted By Brandy King
June 11, 2021 Category: Ohio BWC, Group Retro, Refunds, Dividends, 2018 Group Retro, 2019 Group Retro

  Many Ohio employers have rejoiced over the big checks issued by Ohio BWC in the last few years, a boast that the state’s strategies that have yielded enough to share dividends with policyholders. While it’s easy to understand the excitement when you’re getting five, six, or even seven figure checks from BWC – we all know there’s no such thing as a free lunch.  Many of the businesses gladly cashed those checks not realizing that Ohio BWC wouldn’t be sending checks for refunds earned from the Group Retrospective (retro) program for the 2018 and 2019 policy years.  Employers who participate in the Group Retro program are rebated after the policy year ends, based on their group’s actual performance throughout the year. The pool establishes a premium level throughout the policy year - and when the actual losses come in lower than that, the consortium members are rebated their share of the difference.  While no vendors were provided with the total that Group Retro refunds would have been for those years, Spooner’s actuarial department estimates that Group Retro refund totals for all participating policyholders during those years would have been as follows: •    $190,000,000 for the 2018 policy year   •    $155,000,000 for the 2019 policy year  These projections include what would be all three years of refund payments for each policy year, not just the first y

Surprise, It's OSHA! Dos and Don'ts for Surprise Inspections

Surprise, Its OSHA! Dos and Donts for Surprise Inspections

Posted By Brandy King
June 09, 2021 Category: OSHA, OSHA Inspections, Surprise Inspection, Opening Conference, Informal Conference, OSHA Compliance, Safety, LO/TO, OSHA 300, Recordkeeping

Under the new administration, we have already seen a significant difference in approaches compared to the previous ones. Here is a recent example: An employee gets his arm caught in a machine and is hospitalized. Historically, in addition to the standard 5 years of OSHA 300/300A - OSHA would be looking at the machine and requesting the Lock Out/Tag Out (LO/TO) program. Now when OSHA shows up, it may look more like this: They look at the machine, request LO/TO and their written HazCom GHS program, Employee Orientation (onboarding) program, all LO/TO training documentation for Authorized and Affected employees, PPE Hazard Assessments, work instruction/training on machine in question, and Forklift Training Documentation. Is all of this requested material directly related to the incident? Not exactly - but they're going to expect you to supply it, regardless.  Having said that, Spooner is encouraging all of our clients to review their OSHA Compliance, which should include all your written programs, sub-elements under those programs, and your facility. If you think you have nothing to worry about, ask yourself this: Once OSHA is in our facility, could we supply all of that requested documentation?    Speaking of having OSHA at the door, we get a lot questions (and panicked phone calls) on that subject. To help you navigate that anxiety-inducing situation, here are some basic steps to take if you receive a “surprise” vis

Updates to OSHAs Electronic Submission Requirements

Posted By Brandy King
June 09, 2021 Category: OSHA, 300A, Injury Reporting, Safety, Compliance

Have you been submitting your 300A online?  OSHA has required online submission of the 300A for a few years, and now they’re going to start ensuring companies have been submitting them during inspections. What does the rule require? The new rule, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2017, requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to record on their onsite OSHA Injury and Illness forms. Analysis of this data will enable OSHA to use its enforcement and compliance assistance resources more efficiently. Some of the data will also be posted to the OSHA website. OSHA believes that public disclosure will encourage employers to improve workplace safety and provide valuable information to workers, job seekers, customers, researchers and the general public. Compliance schedule The new reporting requirements: •         Establishments with 250 or more employees in industries covered by the recordkeeping regulation must submit information from their 2021 Form 300A by March 2, 2022. •         Establishments with 20-249 employees in certain high-risk industries must submit information from their 2021 Form 300A by March 2, 2022. https://www.osha.gov/injuryreporting/  New Enforcement  OSHA has set enforcement guidance regarding potential violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) rule requiring electronic submittal of i

TPA Shopping and Ohio BWC Program Enrollment For the Savvy Buyer

TPA Shopping and Ohio BWC Program Enrollment For the Savvy Buyer

Posted By Brandy King
June 09, 2021 Category: General

  Even though the 2021 BWC policy year won’t start until next month (7/1/21), we’re already getting out quotes for 2022 Group Rating and Group Retro programs. It can be hard to feel like a savvy buyer when it comes to workers’ comp in Ohio, but Spooner would like to share some pointers for how to understand the timeline and choose the best partner.   If you’re thinking of changing your partner for Group Rating or Group Retro, be sure not to complete the renewal that your current TPA sends this summer. Most employers don’t realize that signing a form and cutting a check in June 2021 will obligate them to stay with their current TPA through June of 2023. Make sure your accounting team is aware of this, too. We’ve seen too many unhappy customers of other TPAs get trapped this way.  Are you under the impression that because you’re a member of XYZ Chamber of Commerce, you have to utilize their partner for workers’ comp programs? Not the case. The sponsoring organization frames it that way because there’s money on the table.  For example, if you are an XYZ Chamber member (who is partnered with Sedgwick) and you want to leave Sedgwick, XYZ Chamber makes less money. Naturally, they want you to stay with Sedgwick and may even advise you can’t get that discount outside of their partnership. This is patently false. Most TPAs have access to all of the same Group Rating and Group Retro programs for

Continued COVID Guidance: New OSHA ETS, FFCRA Update, Mask Mandates and Re-Entry following Travel

Posted By Brandy King
June 09, 2021 Category: FFCRA, ARPA, FMLA, EFMLA, Ohio Mask Mandate, Dewine, Compliance, COVID 19, Employer Requirements, Employee Leave, International Travel, OSHA ETS, Emergency Temporary Standard, Healthcare Industry

June 2021 OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard  More guidance has been issued from OSHA, directed at healthcare industry employers such as hospitals, emergency responders, long term care, etc. The new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for Covid-19 went into effect June 10, 2021.  You can find a great summary here that also includes a link to the flowchart on OSHA.gov.    June 2021 COVID & FFCRA Update The FFCRA was mandatory for many employers until December 31 of 2020.  The previous administration extended the paid leave provisions of the FFCRA through March 31, 2021 – however, the extension was no longer mandatory. If employers chose to provide paid leave benefits due to COVID, they were still eligible to receive the tax credit to offset the costs of paying employee leave.  Additionally, President Biden extended the FFCRA provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) through September 30, 2021.  Biden also added some new components of the paid leave, which include: •    Additional reasons employees can take paid leave        o    Time spent in order to get the vaccine        o    Time from work missed due to complications from the vaccine  •    The 80 hour limit reset on April 1, 2021        o    Meaning if an employee exhausted their Paid Sick Leave before Ma

General (79)
Ohio Bwc (31)
Ohio BWC (25)
Safety (25)
OSHA (22)
Workers Compensation (19)
Group Retro (17)
Compliance (12)
Osha (11)
Payroll (10)
Group Rating (9)
FMLA (9)
HR (9)
PEO (8)
True Up (8)
2018 Group Retro (7)
ACES (7)
Workers Comp (6)
COVID 19 (6)
Ohio Workers Comp (6)
Safety Training (6)
Workplace Safety (6)
Workers\' Comp (6)
ohiobwc (5)
osha (5)
Informal Conference (4)
ohio bwc (4)
2019 Group Retro (4)
MEP (4)
Human Resources (4)
Claims Management (4)
Tpa (4)
EMR (4)
Reserves (4)
DOL (4)
Osha Inspections (3)
OSHA 300A (3)
Hearing Conservation (3)
Injury Reporting (3)
Unemployment (3)
Outsourcing (3)
SI PEO (3)
Recordkeeping (3)
Benefits (3)
OSHA Compliance (3)
401k (3)
safety (3)
workers comp (3)
Professional Employer Organization (3)
AED (2)
Workers\' Compensation (2)
Retro Refunds (2)
Premium Savings (2)
Retirement Plans (2)
CPR (2)
First Aid (2)
Federal Contractors (2)
Vaccine Mandate (2)
Employee Retention (2)
Group Retro Assessment (2)
Open Enrollment (2)
Ohio (2)
True Up Reporting (2)
OHio BWC (2)
PWFA (2)
Remote Work (2)
TTD (2)
Bwc Update (2)
Secure 2.0 (2)
safetyintervention (2)
Dfsp (2)
group retro (2)
Missing Refunds (2)
Paychex Fees (2)
ADP Fees (2)
Payroll Processing Fees (2)
Surety HR (2)
Additional Fees (2)
Overcharging (2)
Occupational Health (2)
1099 (2)
Transitional Work (2)
Independent Contractors (2)
2020 Group Retro (2)
Osha Compliance (2)
Employee Benefits (2)
401(k) (2)
NEP (2)
payroll (2)
Workers\\\' Comp (2)
HR Outsourcing (2)
Reportable (2)
Recordable (2)
Retirement (2)
OSHA Injury Reporting (2)
drugtesting (2)
Safety Council Program (2)
Legal Update (2)
Dividends (2)
FLSA (2)
Ohio BWC Dividends (2)
MCO (2)
Construction (2)
Ohio Employment Law (2)
Finance (2)
Consulting (2)
Ohio Business (2)
OhioBWC (2)
Occupational Safety (2)
Heat Illness (2)
Employee Leave (2)
Reporting (2)
Program Placement (2)
OSHA Inspections (2)
Salary Continuation (2)
ARPA (2)
MIRA (2)
BWC Premiums (2)
Industrial Commission (1)
Mcoreportcard (1)
workers compensation (1)
2023 base rates (1)
2023mcoopenenrollment (1)
Ohiobwc (1)
Mcoopenenrollment (1)
Mco (1)
Catastrophic Claim (1)
Ohio Bwc Workers Comp Ncci Manual Codes Base Rates (1)
Public Relations (1)
Overtime Rule (1)
White Collar Exemption (1)
Voluntary Abandonment (1)
group rating (1)
Best Ohio Mco (1)
Group Retro Lawsuit (1)
ohio premium savings (1)
News (1)
BWC reporting (1)
bwc premiums (1)
true up (1)
safetytraining (1)
workerscomp (1)
rebateprograms (1)
safetycouncil (1)
Ohio Tpa (1)
alternative to ohio bwc (1)
human resources (1)
Mco Open Enrollment (1)
15k Program (1)
losing RFPs (1)
professional employer organization (1)
heatstress (1)
inspections (1)
heatstroke (1)
heatillness (1)
mandate (1)
Top Managed Care (1)
Employment Law (1)
Ohio Mco (1)
Severance (1)
Bwc Rate Reduction (1)
Combustible Dust Nep (1)
2022oshareview (1)
ohiozoo (1)
daytonmuseums (1)
ohioplanetarium (1)
sciencemuseum (1)
non profit (1)
childrensmuseum (1)
ITAreporting (1)
hearingconservation (1)
regionalemphasisprograms (1)
heatillnessstandard (1)
regulations (1)
STEMcamps (1)
ergonomics (1)
MCO Open Enrollment (1)
grantmoney (1)
safetygrant (1)
Managed Care Organization (1)
Spooner Medical Administrators (1)
Claims Costs (1)
2023 programs (1)
premium savings (1)
American Rescue Plan ACT (1)
ohioSTEMlearning (1)
Handicap Reimbursement (1)
Fairfax Memo (1)
2018GroupRetro (1)
Reimbursement Fund (1)
One Claim Program (1)
Important Deadlines (1)
Ohio Safety Congress (1)
departmentoftransportation (1)
2023 Bwc Rates (1)
Disability Management (1)
Spooner Safety Series (1)
2 Hour Training (1)
missingrefunds (1)
Hr Update (1)
Slips Trips Falls (1)
Plans (1)
PUMP Act (1)
Training (1)
Non Compete Ban OSHA Penalty (1)
Health And Safety (1)
Ohio Minimum Wage (1)
Ohio Workers\' Comp (1)
Soft Tissue Injury (1)
Walking Working Surfaces (1)
Workplace Injury (1)
dot (1)
Citations (1)
oralfluidtesting (1)
Substance Use Recovery (1)
Manual Codes (1)
Group Health (1)
ISNetworld (1)
Avetta (1)
Ohio PEO (1)
Disability Comepnsation (1)
Temporary Total (1)
MMI (1)
Ohio Supreme Court (1)
Funding (1)
OH ID (1)
501c3 (1)
BWC Login (1)
Ohio Bwc Drug Free Workplace DFSP Drug Free Safety Drug Testing Training (1)
Applicants (1)
Salary Inquiry (1)
Columbus Salary History Ban (1)
Osha Investigation (1)
Osha Inspection (1)
Osha Citation (1)
EPA Contact Hours Provider (1)
Ohio EPA Contact Hours (1)
PEO For Nonprofit (1)
Charity (1)
Injury Prevention (1)
loper bright (1)
DOT (1)
Ghs (1)
Hazcom (1)
Docusign (1)
Renewal (1)
safetyinvestment (1)
finance (1)
safetygrants (1)
compliance (1)
trueup (1)
case law (1)
Grow Ohio (1)
regulatory update (1)
heat illness (1)
heat standard (1)
Ohio TPA (1)
TPA (1)
Green Year (1)
2 Hour Requirement (1)
Bwc Payroll (1)
Ohio Workers Comp Savings (1)
Safety Council Enrollment (1)
EPA (1)
Ohio Ergonomic Consultant (1)
salivatesting (1)
distro (1)
employeebenefits (1)
Retirementplans (1)
reasonablesuspicion (1)
employeetraining (1)
employmentpolicy (1)
drugfreeprograms (1)
DFSP (1)
parcelservice (1)
courierservice (1)
amazondsp (1)
warehpuse (1)
marijuanalegalization (1)
forkliftoperator (1)
workplacesafety (1)
oshaNEP (1)
2024 py (1)
safety council (1)
Loto (1)
PFT (1)
Safety Consulting (1)
commercialdriver (1)
cdl (1)
ohiomarijuanalaws (1)
ohioissue2 (1)
Ergonomics Assessment (1)
Harassment (1)
BWC Rate Reduction 2024 (1)
OHID Login (1)
BWC Update (1)
Incident Reporting (1)
Form 300 (1)
Form 301 (1)
Electronic Recordkeeping (1)
Drug Free Safety Program (1)
Ohio Bwc EM Cap (1)
DEI (1)
EEO 1 Reporting (1)
legalupdate (1)
EEOC (1)
Regulatory Agencies (1)
NLRA (1)
NLRB (1)
Fiduciary Definition (1)
529 (1)
Roth (1)
Retirement Contributions (1)
NLRBsection7 (1)
overtimeexemptions (1)
workplacediscrimination (1)
1910.134 (1)
Surplus Fund (1)
Written OSHA Programs (1)
Administrative Support (1)
BWC Overfunding (1)
BWC Net Position (1)
Protecting Teleworkers (1)
Ergonomics (1)
Home Office Safety (1)
Remote Worker Safety (1)
Teleworking (1)
Working From Home (1)
WFH (1)
Life Saving Skills (1)
Administrative (1)
Ice Injury (1)
Slips Falls (1)
Hypothermia (1)
Frostbite (1)
Recordables (1)
Cold Safety (1)
Cold (1)
Winter Weather (1)
Winter Safety (1)
OSHA Updates (1)
Billion Back (1)
ASO (1)
OHio BWC Base Rate Reduction (1)
HR Continuing Education (1)
HR CE (1)
BWC Training (1)
Spooner Safety Seminars (1)
HR Consulting (1)
Self Insuring (1)
SuretyHR (1)
Agriculture (1)
Manufacturing (1)
Ohio Bwc Base Rate Increase (1)
Ohio Workers Comp Rates (1)
ADA (1)
Employee Handbooks (1)
Employment Lawsuits (1)
Termination Guidance (1)
Negligent Hiring (1)
Group Retro Refunds Withheld (1)
OSHA Settlement Negotiations (1)
Abatement (1)
ACA Reporting (1)
Absence Management (1)
Medical Leave (1)
Rebate (1)
First Responder Training (1)
Osha Sst (1)
Emergency Temporary Standard (1)
Coronavirus (1)
Experience Period (1)
Dewine (1)
Pros And Cons Of PEOs (1)
Employer Requirements (1)
Group Retro Assessments (1)
Claim Reserves (1)
International Travel (1)
Managed Care Organizations (1)
Medical Costs (1)
Financial Security (1)
Ohio Mask Mandate (1)
Retention Tools (1)
Healthcare Industry (1)
Mid Sized Employer (1)
Small Employer (1)
Surprise Inspection (1)
Opening Conference (1)
LO/TO (1)
OSHA 300 (1)
PAR (1)
Refunds (1)
COVID 19 Workers Comp Claims (1)
300A (1)
Medical Treatment (1)
Retirement Plan (1)
HCS (1)
Insurance Premiums (1)
Underwriting (1)
Ohio Workers Compensation (1)
Violence In The Workplace (1)
OSHA Citations (1)
Investment (1)
Secretary Of Labor (1)
Retirement Savings (1)
Workerscomp (1)
Payroll Reporting (1)
Group Retrospective Rating (1)
PPE (1)
Regional Enforcement Program (1)
Audiogram (1)
Michigan (1)
Spoonerinc (1)
Indiana (1)
OSHA Region 5 (1)
True Up Deadline (1)
Bwc Compliance (1)
Training Credits (1)
Osha Abatement (1)
Respirator Fit Testing (1)
Acquisition Capital (1)
Gap Analysis (1)
Safety Software (1)
Fire Prevention (1)
National Fire Safety (1)
BWC Administrative Fees (1)
Commercial Banking (1)
Interest Rates (1)
Loan Forgiveness (1)
Ppp Loan (1)
Line Of Credit (1)
Business Banking (1)
Halloween Party (1)
Claim Costs (1)
CFO Services (1)
Ascentis (1)
Novatime Discontinued (1)
Timekeeping (1)
Finanancial Services (1)
Group Rating Renewal (1)
Spooner Group Rating (1)
Mileage Rate (1)
Irs (1)
Accident Reporting (1)
Food Safety (1)
Ai (1)
Transfer Of Experience (1)
Respiratory Protection (1)
EPSL (1)
BWC Dividends (1)
Bwc Safety Council (1)
Deductibles (1)
Premium Increase (1)
15K (1)
Paying Cash For Treatment (1)
Cash Payment (1)
Polcy Combination (1)
Costumes At Work (1)
MA (1)
Acquisitions (1)
Mergers (1)
Christmas Parties (1)
Lawsuits (1)
Holiday Parties (1)
Legal (1)
Employee Benefits Checklist (1)
Group Retro Refunds (1)
Ohio Workers Comp (1)
Applicant Tracking Software (1)
Ada (1)
Site Specific Targeting (1)
Focused Inspection Initiative (1)
Fraudulent Claims (1)
HR Compliance (1)
Work From Home (1)
RRI (1)
UPA (1)
HAL (1)
Hospitals (1)
Nursing Homes (1)
Patient Care (1)
Wage And Hour (1)
Audiograms (1)
Family Medical Leave Act (1)
HR Issues (1)
Department Of Labor (1)
DOL Fines (1)
FMLA Fines (1)
FMLA Lawsuit (1)
DOL Audits (1)
Safety Services (1)
Investigations (1)
Osha 300a (1)
Audio (1)
Noise Monitoring (1)
Deadlines (1)
Osha Region 5 (1)
Eeoc (1)
DepartmentofLaborAudit (1)
Ohio BWC Loses Billions (1)
2018 Group Retr0 (1)
Self Insured PEO (1)
Mod (1)
BWC Saving Programs (1)
Occupational Noise (1)
Baseline Audiogram (1)
Audiometric Testing (1)
Regional Emphasis Program (1)
Hearing Protection (1)
Savings Programs (1)
Safety Council (1)
Safety Score (1)
DART (1)
Inspections (1)
Heat Stroke (1)
Mandate (1)
Decibel Level (1)
Safety Update (1)
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